How To Make Chai :: Learn With Shantanu (Click “Lesson Plan” For Recipe)
A Better World Ed Story
Welcome to a Better World Ed wordless video, human story, and lesson plan: How To Make Chai :: Learn With Shantanu (Click “Lesson Plan” For Recipe).
Let's step into a unique human's mind, heart, perspectives, story, and community. Let's explore self, others, and our world in a humanizing way.
Take a deep breath. Let's get started with How To Make Chai :: Learn With Shantanu (Click “Lesson Plan” For Recipe).
Click the "lesson plan" tab if you're looking for ideas on how to engage with this story on your own or in a group. If you're eager to start right away and want to create your own learning guide based on the narrative, click the "story" tab or play the video!
Better World Notes for all of us to remember: this story is an introduction to who this human is. It would take years (even a lifetime!) to wholly understand this person, just like it takes us such a long time to begin to understand ourselves and one another.
As we watch the wordless video, let's suspend judgment and strive to practice curiosity and wonder. Let's recognize bias and challenge our assumptions. Let's explore how we might move beyond these assumptions together in a meaningful way.
As we explore the lesson plan, let's remember these are not instructions. This is a learning guide. You can adapt this for your situation, and reach out to us anytime for ideas, too. You can also follow it step by step, if you'd like. Though we believe learning happens in so many ways, and these lessons can be adapted so beautifully by you(th) to create a magical experience. If we adapt, let's just remember to keep the actual story content authentic. These are real humans we're learning about -- let's stay true to their stories.
As we read the written story, let's remember that this person in the story is not representative of a whole culture or way of life -- better world learning means moving beyond generalizations and simple single stories. More on this in the humanity & belonging unit.
We've got to remember that this person is a unique and whole individual with unique, complex, and beautiful experiences -- just like everyone in our own lives and classrooms! We've got to live with ubuntu.
Judgment and bias are both quick to get and hard to get rid of. And both are really pretty boring.
But curiosity? Curiosity is magical.
Learning? Learning is forever.
Curiosity before judgment.
Wonder beyond words.
More Better World Resources: Looking for a powerful learning guide for empathy and curiosity practice? Here is a version for early childhood learning. Here is a version for self-guided learning at any age. You can use the lesson plan above in the "lesson plan" tab, or you can try one of these lessons that work wonders for any of the stories on Better World Ed.
Looking for a math focused "all stories" learning guide? Or one on deep breathing? On listening to understand? On how to make chai? Head to your Members Hub for more magic !
Math Topic
Chai Equations
Global Topic
Stuff, Consumption & Environment, Tea (Chai)
Math Objectives
Literacy Topic
Comprehension, Communication & Collaboration
SEL Skill
Appreciating Diverse Perspectives & Ways Of Life, Mindfulness, Meditation, Wellbeing, Breathing, Recognizing & Managing Stress, Reflecting Mindfully, Self-Awareness
Math Grade Level
Social Studies
Community Engagement, Culture, Current Events, Ethnography, Geography, Global Connections, Sociology
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How To Make Chai :: Learn With Shantanu (Click “Lesson Plan” For Recipe)
A Better World Story
Hi! I’m Mindful Moo. Are you ready to learn how to make chai? Click the “Lesson Plan” tab and let’s get brewing!
Curious to learn more about my friend Shantanu from the video? Search “Shantanu” in the search bar above and start with any of his stories. He’s an inspiring person. I know you’ll love learning from him. And from everyone else on!
How To Make Chai :: Learn With Shantanu (Click “Lesson Plan” For Recipe)
A Better World Story
Learning Objectives
Students will learn about many topics, including: Chai EquationsWant to pair your chai with some mindful breathing? For this chai recipe, we will make two cups of chai. Want more or less chai? Multiply or divide your ingredients up to achieve whatever chai goals you have! Let’s dive in to how to make chai:
Wondering what to do while you sip your chai? Looking for ideas? You could do some more breathing! Focus on the steam and the yummy smells! Or you could learn about me and some of my story (search “Shantanu” in the search bar above)!
You could sit with people you care about and discuss life over chai, like I often do!
You could laugh? You could be? You could go on a global learning journey to Be WE?