A Powerful Parent Lesson Plan: Kahlil Gibran Parenting Poem

This parent lesson plan is for every parent, every guardian, every child, and every family. For building empathy and understanding alongside our children. Ages 2 & Up. All through a powerful poem from Kahlil Gibran: On Children. Let’s remind ourselves and one another of this critical lesson as we engage with Global Learning Journeys.

1) Reflect on a time in your life where you felt like you were “alongside” someone. Once you have this moment or image in your mind, read the below Kahlil Gibran poem from poets.org.



Write down or discuss what you notice in yourself after you read this poem by Kahlil Gibran. What do you notice? What do you wonder? Any assumptions you had about yourself or your family that you might want to further explore after reading?






Discuss what you are noticing and wondering about. As you do, you may find the story of Lam, Suci, or Divine to be a powerful complement to bring in another perspective to your conversation. (Use the search bar above to find more of the stories focused on each person!)






Share something that resonates deeply with you from your parent lesson experience today with everyone in your family. Share how you will strive to bring a lesson you learned today into your everyday life with your family. Ask everyone to share ways to hold one another accountable in a kind, compassionate way.

parent lesson plan poem khalil gibran children kids

Parent Lesson Plans For Home Learning

Teaching empathy isn’t a one time thing, and it doesn’t end after this parent lesson from Kahlil Gibran. Every time we teach empathy, we can practice it in our own lives as well. Wordless stories can have a deep and lasting impact.

real life wordless videos and human stories for global learning

We are lifelong learners, educators & storytellers weaving together authentic human stories that we wish we had as kids.


Why? Without curiosity before judgment, our ability to see one another as unique, whole, beautiful humans starts to tangle.


This leads to knots within and between us.


Knots that lead us to treat other humans and our planet in a way that is not kind and compassionate.


Better World Ed’s real life human stories help us untangle these knots and reweave community. Stories to bring humanity into education.


We believe deeply that every single challenge we face is indeed addressable.


If and when we reweave.

real life wordless videos and human stories for global learning


Each story and parent lesson we create weaves math, literacy, empathy, wonder, global awareness, and cultural understanding together through:


WORDLESS VIDEOS about unique humans all over the world. Teach and learn curiosity before judgment at every age.


Lifelong wonder. Deep belonging.


Reginah water gratitude story video wordless human story kenya storytelling curriculum kids teachers


HUMAN STORIES & QUESTIONS from our new friends in the wordless videos. Weave empathy, math, literacy & belonging.


Meaningful understanding. Language inclusive.


ketut madra social emotional learning bali ubud painting art sel social emotional learning story video curriculum


PARENT LESSON & TEACHER LESSON PLANS weave the videos & stories with relevant academics. Activities, art, movement, play & more.


Compassion conversations. Creative collaboration.


Suci East Bali Indonesia story video wordless social emotional learning SEL east bali cashews school pre-k elementary early childhood learning


Real life human stories to help us grow our awareness, curiosity, empathy, and compassion.


Creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and connection.


For LIFE. Early Childhood, K-12 & Adults.


Yuvaraaj Rishi Family Love Community Food Truck Indian Food Story NYC New York Story Wordless Video Storytelling Wordless Social Emotional Learning (SEL)





To seek diverse perspectives. Challenge assumptions. Confront bias. Suspend judgment. Celebrate questions.


To embrace our emotions wholly.


To revel in our complex, beautiful differences.


To see one another. To understand each other.


To bring humanity into the classroom. Into our homeschooling.


To bring humanity into education.


Wordless Videos Social Skills Global Social Emotional Learning Program (SEL)


Global and inner immersion to love learning about self, others, and our world.


To learn to love self, others, and our world.


Norma Farming Ecuador Bananas Gratitude Story Social Emotional Learning




Education for our shared humanity.


For our heart, mind, body, and soul.


For healing, unity, and living with ubuntu.


Purpose. Meaning. Dignity. Belonging.



Peace Building community building storytelling wordless video art youth engagement indri indonesia wordless. Parent Lesson Plans. Teacher Lesson Plans.


Global stories to become mindful humans untangling the knots within and between us. To reweave the fabric of community.


Real stories to reweave humanity into education.


To Be WE.

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